Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We did it!!

We successfully completed our trip on Tuesday as we arrived at the Church Center in NYC to a rousing welcome. It was exciting riding across the George Washington Bridge and then navigating the busy streets of NYC to our destination. We even worked in a ride through Central Park.

Everyone was in high spirits as we approached the center, but we still had one more challenge to overcome. Kelly's bike had a major mechanical failure two blocks from the center which caused her to fall. Her handlebars literally broke away from her bike making it impossible to ride. So after crossing over 4000 miles, she lost her wheels. She was very lucky not to be injured.

But just as we conquered every other challenge we overcame this one as well. I gave my bike to Kelly to ride across the line and I walked her bike the last two blocks. It was only appropriate that she have the honor of leading us in.

We enjoyed a very nice reception at the center which was attended by the Presiding Bishop. The ERD staff wrote a song for the occasion and there were plenty of cameras and a TV camera. After all the interviews and congratulations, we loaded our bikes on to the Prius and drove back to Christ Church Hackensack to load up to head home.

Steve, Michael, Daniel and I jumped in a rental car about 4 PM and drove back to Ohio. I am writing this from the screened porch at home after a good night's sleep in my own bed. I must admit, I it was pretty nice.

I was told there will be a copy of the video of our arrival on the Episcopal News Service website, but I have not had time to check it out.

I am very glad to have been a part of this life saving fund event. Thank you for all your support and interest. I am already looking forward to our next adventure.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to see you run around the tennis court now!
    Congratulations on an epic journey!
